Optimising PPC in the Age of AI Overviews

With AI Overviews launched in the US, and rolling out to other countries soon, a lot has been discussed on how this will affect organic rankings and SEO. However, I have seen far less commentary and insights around PPC. AI Overviews will see a significant shift in how users interact with search results, so while SEO remains crucial for organic visibility, there will be more emphasis on utilising PPC to complement SEO efforts and maximise reach within dynamic results.

This article explores key strategies for optimising PPC campaigns within AI Overviews and delves into the impact of this on keyword selection, ad copywriting, and landing page design.

Adapting to Evolving Search Queries and User Needs

AI Overviews focus on user intent and dynamic content creation – from various website and social media sources necessitating a more flexible approach to PPC optimisation.

Here is how I advise my clients’ in-house teams and agencies on our approach in the future.

Keyword Research

I have long advocated not relying on Google Keyword Planner (GKP) for keyword research. It consistently provides inaccurate keyword data due to broad search volume ranges, aggregation, and delayed updates. The tool lacks granular data, particularly for long-tail keywords, and its competition metric is based on advertiser bids, not organic search competition. I’ve always felt that GKP’s data sampling techniques and bias towards high commercial intent keywords further reduce its accuracy. It’s great as a starting point, but other tools must be used to improve your reach.

If your team solely relies on GKP, then this won't be enough. For AI Overviews consider including long-tail keywords and natural language phrases that capture users with specific needs. Tools such as SparkToro , Ahrefs and Semrush will become more important in identifying trends and the user intent behind searches.

Ad Copywriting

Copywriting is going to be super important with search engine result pages providing different nuances to each user. Going forward ad copy needs to be adaptable, catering to the different contexts that AI Overviews might present for a user’s search query.

With AI Overviews personalising search results based on user intent, crafting effective ad copy becomes more crucial than ever. Gone are the days of static messages. In this new era, adaptability is key.

Your ad copy needs to be a chameleon, seamlessly shifting to cater to the different contexts AI Overviews might present for a user's specific search query. With this change in approach, you can communicate how your product or service directly addresses the user's unique need, based on the nuances of their search.

Explore features that allow for automatic adjustments to your ad copy based on user data or search terms. This ensures your message resonates with each individual user, maximising the impact of your PPC campaigns.

To ensure your PPC campaigns convert effectively consider these crucial landing page factors:

  • High-quality visuals and engaging content - Prioritise captivating visuals and informative content that goes beyond just text. Think infographics, product demos, or user testimonials to create a well-rounded and engaging user experience. (Exactly what Google has been telling us for the last few years!)

  • Seamless User Experience - The journey from ad click to landing page conversion should be frictionless. Ensure a clear and consistent design that aligns with your ad message. Optimise for mobile responsiveness, as a significant portion of users will access your landing page from smartphones.

  • Match User Intent - Don't just generically showcase your product or service. Tailor your landing page content to directly address the user's specific need as suggested by their search query. This increases relevance and conversion rates.

  • Loading Speed – Slow loading times are a conversion killer. Optimise your landing page for speed to ensure a smooth user experience.

The Power of AI in PPC Optimisation

With AI now woven into the fabric of SERPs, Performance Max (PMax) campaigns launched in 2020 seem almost like a precursor of what's to come. PMax leverages AI to automate campaign optimisation across various channels, and AI Overviews takes this a step further by personalising search results based on user intent. This ever-shifting landscape presents both challenges and opportunities for PPC professionals.

Here's how leveraging AI can take your PPC campaigns to the next level within SGE:

Automated Bidding Strategies for SGE

Move beyond static bids and embrace the power of AI-powered tools. These tools analyse real-time user data, including search intent gleaned from AI Overviews, to dynamically adjust bids for maximum impact. This ensures you're reaching the most relevant users at the right time, maximising your return on ad spend (ROAS).

Hyper-Personalised Ad Copy with AI

As I mentioned earlier, one-size-fits-all ad messaging is long gone. AI can analyse user behaviour and search queries within AI Overviews to personalise your ad copy in real time. Imagine crafting ad copy that directly addresses a user's specific need based on the nuances AI Overviews reveal in their search intent. This level of personalisation leads to higher click-through rates (CTR) and conversions.

AI-Driven Audience Segmentation for Laser-Focused Targeting

PPC success hinges on reaching the right audience. AI tools can analyse vast amounts of data, including AI Overviews user behaviour patterns, to segment your audience with unparalleled precision. This allows you to create targeted campaigns that resonate deeply with specific user groups, maximising campaign effectiveness.

Optimising PMax Campaigns with AI

Performance Max (PMax) campaigns leverage Google's AI to automatically optimise your campaigns across various channels like Search, Display, YouTube, and Gmail. With AI Overviews in the mix, AI can further enhance PMax by tailoring ad creatives and placements based on the user's search journey and intent revealed by SGE. This ensures your message reaches the user at the most opportune moment within the dynamic SGE landscape.

Now is the time to start integrating AI into your PPC strategy – but what are the wider implications for agencies and business owners?

My Thoughts On PPC in an AI Landscape

The integration of AI into the world of PPC is undoubtedly exciting. Tools like Performance Max (PMax) are still under development, but they already offer a glimpse into the future: automated tasks, laser-focused personalisation, and hyper-targeted audiences. This translates to potentially higher conversion rates, improved return on ad spend (ROAS), and a competitive edge in the ever-evolving landscape of search advertising.

However, this shift towards AI-powered automation also presents challenges. As these tools become more sophisticated, the marketing industry as a whole can expect a change in expectations. Automation brings speed, and with it, the potential for clients to expect lower service costs.

Here's an analogy: In the early days of web design (around 2002), large e-commerce sites commanded exorbitant fees, while smaller businesses could utilise off-the-shelf software like Dreamweaver for a fraction of the price. This led to a period where web design became saturated with cheaper developers, and client expectations shifted towards low-cost website development.

I expect this is going to happen with PPC as Google and Bing roll out more and more solutions backed by AI that make the whole ad creation experience easier – and importantly more effective (who remembers Google Ads Express?). For agencies, like SEO, they are going to have to think about their offering so that the emphasis is on experience and knowledge and less so on selling their reliance on AI tools or that they are ‘AI-powered’.

SEO and PPC, when combined, form a powerful force. A well-rounded strategy that leverages both SEO and PPC will be key to success in the age of AI-powered SERPs.

In conclusion, AI is revolutionising PPC, and the future is nervously bright. However, agencies must adapt their approach to remain valuable partners. By focusing on strategic expertise, data analysis, and a deep understanding of AI tools, agencies can ensure their continued success in the ever-evolving world of PPC advertising.


A Roadmap to Surviving Google AI Overviews